FEI Dressage Trainer and Competitor
Katie Poag Dressage

is a competitive equestrian sport, defined by the international equestrian federation(fei)as "the highest expression of horse training." the rider will be relaxed and appear effort-free while the horse willingly performs the required movement. in modern dressage competition, successful training at the various levels is demonstrated through the performance of "tests," prescribed series of movements ridden within a standard arena. dressage is considered the most artistic of the equestrian sports and can be tracked back centuries. the freestyle is choreographed and performed to music.
reference to the 2017 adequan gdf program
USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist
USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Bar
available for lessons and clinics
full training
haul in lessons
coaching at shows

“I have always found dressage fun, enlightening, challenging and fulfilling, and I want my students and horses to have the same experiences of enjoyment and satisfaction. To me dressage is also a sport that is both exquisite and humbling and I want to continue this ultimate communication between horse and rider.”